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Explore Topics in Physics 2

Here you can find my notes about different units in my Physics 2 class.

Electric Forces and Electric Fields

Electricity basics - This chapter covers the fundamental concepts of electric forces and fields, the nature of electrical charges, and how different materials interact with these charges. Find it here.

Potential Enengy

This chapter covers the key concepts and equations related to potential energy, work, electric potential, and capacitance. Find it here.

Electric Circuits

This chapter provides an overview of electric circuits, covering topics such as electromotive force, Ohm's Law, resistivity, electrical power, series and parallel circuits, internal resistance, Kirchhoff's Rules, measuring voltages and currents, capacitors in series and parallel, and RC circuits. Find it here.

Magnetic Fields

to be added

Electromagnetic Induction

to be added

Electromagnetic Waves

to be added

The Reflection of Light

to be added

The Refrcation of Light

to be added

Interference and the Wave Nature of Light

to be added

Particles and Waves

to be added

The Nature of the Atom

to be added

Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity

to be added